The Grand Adventure

God is right, always.

There is such security and freedom in this declaration. It takes the striving out. Calls us to a grand adventure of following our King. A paradoxical, upside down, joy-filled adventure that may take me to my backyard or the farthest reaches of the world or anything in-between. An adventure that starts with changing me, breaking me to the depths. An adventure that starts with surrender and continues through deeper and deeper surrender, leading to glorious freedom and joy.

How could it be otherwise? LOOK at the King! See how good, how right, how wise He is. To surrender to Him can only lead to better things.

For example:

Recently a certain temptation was kicking my butt. I couldn't seem to walk free no matter how much I wanted to. So I talked to the King about it. He reminded me, gently, that He'd already given the instructions. “Resist the devil…draw near to Me…” “Delight in Me and I will give you the desires of your heart."

There it was. So simple.

And just look at how He set it up! The answer to how to overcome temptation is to draw near to Him, delight in Him, know Him deeply, pursue Him. So not only do I get freedom, I also get to experience deeper intimacy with Him. I get to know Him, delight in Him, spend time with Him. How cool is that?!

And that's how it is in everything. The King’s trades are total win-win-win deals. (Just so you're not shocked, though, be aware that giving up, leaving, surrender, pain, heartache, and suchlike are usually the first step. The rewards are not front-loaded on this deal.)

This holds true in the realm of physical health, too. God is right, and His ways are good, and His deals are always slanted in your favor. If you follow His ways, you'll be healthier than if you don't. For example, God cares about what's real. And turns out that real food is always better for you than fake. He says that physical exercise makes you stronger. And that's exactly how it works. He says that you are valuable and worth taking care of, and that you ought to love your neighbors. Turns out that taking care of your own health is essential if you want to be able to help your neighbor well.

And on and on it goes. The King is always right. And His ways are good.

Readiness Pak link

Here is a convenient link to purchase most of the supplements that are currently recommended for Covid. You will need to create an account and log in, to see the list. If you choose to order from this list, they will ship direct to you. I do receive a commission.

Getting Started with Health Information: A Book List

Image by Cristina Gottardi via Unsplash

Nurses, some people think, are a breed unto themselves. They know stuff. They are mysterious and amazing. Angels with PhDs, or something like that.

And while I would love to simply bask in the glow of the admiration, there are some misconceptions about all this that badly need to be set straight.

1. Nurses are ordinary people. Average intelligence. The only thing different is that they devoted several years of their lives to a specialized education, and probably practice what they learned (or at least a portion of it) pretty much every day.

2. Nurses are ordinary people. If they could learn all that "stuff", so can you. (It's hard work. But you CAN.)

3. The best nurses are always thinking. Always asking questions. Always wondering what if. Always trying to figure things out. You can too.

The healthcare system in America is facing an unprecedented crisis and it doesn't look to be getting better anytime soon. I anticipate seeing many people needing to treat conditions of a severity and urgency that we never could have imagined, at home.

Start now, to learn, to educate yourself, and to practice. And remember, nurses are ordinary people. If we can, you can too.

So, on that note, here is a list of books to get you started. Some of these are books I used in nursing school. Others are books I’ve used on my own journey toward better health, when conventional medicine failed. And still others are reference books recommended by friends who are smarter than I in a particular area.

If you purchase all of these, you will have a respectable library. But that would be expensive, so I did my best to tell you a little about each book, and to group them from basic to more advanced, so you can get what you need and not waste your hard-earned money. (All links are affiliate links. This means that I get a few pennies from each purchase made through them, but it doesn’t cost you more.)

Medical Reference

The books on this list are basic reference works that I come back to over-and-over. Mostly they are useful for looking stuff up and understanding medical terminology.

Taber’s Encyclopedia Think of this one as a dictionary specifically for medical and healthcare terminology. I still refer to this when I’m having trouble understanding an imaging report or a doctor’s note. It gives clear explanations of each term, with some pictures.

Davis’s Drug Guide for Nurses This is a must-have. You can look up hundreds of drugs/pharmaceuticals and learn what they are most commonly used for, side effects, danger signs, and potential interactions.

The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Like Taber’s, this gives you definitions, but is geared more toward understanding diagnoses and thinking through therapies. A thoroughly useful reference.

Home Remedies and Basic Herb Use

These are the books that my non-medical friends tell me they find the most useful. First up is a three-book series by herbalist Rachel Weaver. These are full of useful and accessible information. I strongly recommend also using other reference books, since the information in these is sometimes simplified a little too much to be safe. However, they remain an excellent resource.

Be Your Own Doctor II The first book in the series. If you’re only going to purchase one of them, this should be it.

Backyard Pharmacy Learn how to use common herbs, including some the might be growing in your own backyard. Good basic information.

Be Your Child’s Pediatrician is similar to Be Your Own Doctor, but geared for mothers caring for young children.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing One of my favorite reference books for nutritional therapies and knowing what supplements might be most helpful. Easy to use, with an excellent index. This is better researched and more professional than the previous books in this section.

10 Essential Herbs A thorough and informative book to get you started using ten common and very useful herbs.

The How-to Herb Book Highly recommended by several friends, but not one that I’ve personally used yet.

Going Deeper

This section contains both more in-depth books on topics already covered above, as well as those that go beyond the physical. We are body, soul, and spirit, and all three must be considered in seeking true health.

A More Excellent Way looks at the spiritual roots of disease. One problem with this approach is that there is very little consideration of the fact that not all disease has a spiritual root. Nonetheless, I find this a very helpful volume, based on decades of experience.

The Biblical Guide to Alternative Medicine helps us look at the spiritual roots of medicine, and discover that not all alternative medicine is as innocent as it appears. I highly recommend this volume to all Christians who are choosing to use alternative therapies.

The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine This thick volume is the gold standard reference work in natural medicine. Like all really good reference works, it is expensive, but may be worth it if you want just one volume.

The Green Pharmacy Less expensive than the one above, this book still has plenty of information, and it is laid out in a fairly easy-to-use format.

Trim Healthy Mama Plan is one of very few nutrition plans that are biblically based. It wil not be the right plan for everyone, but if you want a simple “diet” to follow, this is a good one to consider.

Nourishing Traditions encourages good, whole, real food. This has helped many, many people. Ignore the long-age evolutionary theory and enjoy the good food.

When Pigs Move In provides a simple but hard-hitting look at some of the spiritual health issues. It is easy to read, but will give you a lot to think about.

As Your Soul Prospers Okay. I can’t have a list of recommended books and not include my own. So here it is. Short and very easy to read, this little book contains some of the most important principles of health from a biblical perspective.

Expert” Level books

This section is for those who really want to dig in and learn a lot about how the human body works and the intricacies of different areas. Several of these are my go-to reference works for working with clients.

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration is the research behind Nourishing Traditions and the work of dentist Weston A Price.

Taking Charge of Your Fertility is a deep dive into hormones and hormonal health. At this writing I have not yet read the whole thing, but it comes highly recommended from multiple people who know what they’re talking about.

Blood Chemistry and CBC Analysis. Understanding lab results is challenging. This book looks at optimal ranges, not just “normal” ranges, and helps you begin to put the pieces together. This is crucial reference for my work.

Where There is No Doctor is intended for community health workers in remote village locations, but has a ton of helpful information. Especially recommend if you want to be prepared for a time when healthcare as we know it might no longer exist.

And there you have it. Twenty-one books that will get you well on the way to a nurse’s level education. Don’t get overwhelmed by the big stack, but take them one or two at a time. Start with the one that looks the most interesting or relevant to your situation. And remember, if I could learn this stuff, you can too!

After-Jab Care

Like the previous post, this is a guest post. I did not write this, but share it with permission from the author. This is not medical advice, and is shared for informational purposes only. Do your own research and remember that you are responsible for you own health and your own health-related decisions.

Guest post starts here:

I’ve been Vaccinated… 

There are many “unknowns” about the covid vaccine and how it reacts in our bodies both short term and long term. We  do not have long-term safety data to back up the “Safe” claims made by the health organizations who are pushing it. If  you have had the vaccine and wish to support your body as it faces the unknown effects of the ingredients, there are  several herbs you can add to your daily routine.  

Activated Charcoal – 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. Allow at least 2 hours between taking Charcoal and other meds and  supplements. Activated charcoal binds toxins and moves them out of the body.  

Barley Green – Barley Green is chock full of nutrition and restorative, healing properties. You can mix it with water or  take it in pill form.  

High Antioxidants- Vitamin E, Muscadine seeds & skins, Olive leaf, Oregano, Clove tea, Glutathione (More info below)  Dandelion & Milk Thistle – These two incredible herbs support the liver and kidneys. Generally, toxins are  processed/filtered through these two very important organs.  

Hawthorn Leaf & Berry – Hawthorn is a heart tonic and supports the entire vascular system.

Other important Herbs and supplements – Bee propolis/Royal Jelly, Quercetin, High Quality daily vitamin. 

Detox Bath Soaks - 4 cups Epsom Salt, 1-2 quarts of real apple cider vinegar, Essential oils of Lavender, Juniper berry,  Grapefruit, Rosemary, Lemon (3 drops each). Mix oils with Epsom salt and add the salt mixture and the vinegar to hot  bathwater. Soak until the water cools (at least 30 minutes). These soaks can be done 1-2 times per week. Drink plenty of  water before, during and after these soaks. Bath water should be as hot as you can stand to help open pores.

Zeolite Clinoptilolite – acts like a magnet for positively charged toxins like lead, mercury, and arsenic. 

Shikimic Acid – (Also found naturally in Star anise and fennel) fights clotting 

Aspirin – fights clotting. (Talk to your Doctor if you are on blood thinners or have heart disease.)

Clay Mask – draws and binds toxins (on injection site) 

Daily Probiotic, Prebiotic and Digestive Enzymes. Kombucha and Kefir water are also good sources of probiotics.  

N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)* 

N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a key building block of glutathione, which is a powerful antioxidant — any compound that  prevents oxidation, which damages your body’s cells. NAC and glutathione are also involved in many chemical reactions  that help to detox your body. They also help to build DNA, and they support enzyme production and healthy immune  function. Neither the Pfizer nor the Moderna vaccines contain thimerosal or other preservatives, but replication of the  COVID-19 vaccine adds to the body’s oxidative load, so increasing levels of NAC and glutathione is still helpful. Many  studies also show that NAC and glutathione reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. In coordination with your  healthcare professional and their guidance and recommendation, we feel taking 600 mg to 900 mg daily of a quality NAC  supplement for at least four weeks after your second vaccination dose is administered (same for those choosing the one dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine), should be considered. If you opt for taking glutathione instead of NAC, note that most  glutathione supplements taken orally are not very helpful in boosting glutathione levels because they’re broken down in  the stomach. Choose a liposomal glutathione supplement or receive glutathione supplementation intravenously or  through inhalation from a qualified healthcare provider. 

* Lewis, DR. Matt. "Reduce the Side Effects of a Vaccination by Boosting Your Immune System." Biodesign Wellness, 1 July 2021, 


This information is for education purposes only and does not replace medical care. If you have any questions regarding your health, please follow up with a medical professional. 

I did not get the vaccine, but I interact with those who have been vaccinated… 

A quick google search will tell you that it is impossible for “shedding” to happen. But those who are living this reality  have a different story to tell. In my experience, it seems that most of the individuals who are having obvious symptoms  and adverse reactions to being in close contact with the vaccinated, are women. While I doubt that men are exempt,  women seem to have more obvious symptoms. Reports of menstrual cycle irregularity/miscarriage and other  reproductive organ issues after receiving the vaccine are on the rise. But the cases of those who have NOT been  vaccinated, but yet suddenly have reproductive/menstrual issues after being in close contact with a vaccinated person is  absolutely overwhelming. Not only in young girls, but also older women with established cycles.  I do not think there is a scientist on the planet that could begin to know the long-term damage the vaccine has caused and will continue to cause in the human population…whether vaccinated or not.  

You can follow the same immune boosting plan of action listed above along with the info below if you are experiencing  any of the following issues. 

Cycle Irregularity 

Wild Yam and Chaste Tree Berry (Vitex) Take as directed on the bottle for 2-4 months or until cycles return to normal.  

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding 

Red Raspberry Leaf Tea, Tincture or Capsules – Red Raspberry Leaf has long been used as a uterine tonic. It has the  ability to stop heavy menstrual bleeding and works quickly.  

I’m not sure if I want to get the vaccine or not… 

This is a decision each person must make for themselves. I would highly encourage you to research, research, research.  Your health is YOUR responsibility and should be handled with much thought and care.  

I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with the research and remarks by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko and other Doctors who  are fighting for your medical freedom at 

This website also offers information to those seeking a religious exemption.  

If you have a reaction or adverse effects from the vaccine, please report it to: 

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)

This information is for education purposes only and does not replace medical care. If you have any questions regarding your health, please follow up with a medical professional. 

COVID Home Care (updated): A Guest Post

⚠️⚠️This post has been updated. ⚠️⚠️


The following is a guest post, shared with permission from a licensed health professional who chooses to remain anonymous. This information is for educational purposes only; do your own research and make your own decisions. You are free to disseminate this as you wish, but DO NOT edit. This is not medical advice.

Updated 9/12/21 with latest recommendations from FLCCC.


Guest post begins here:

Over the last year I have had the honor of helping many people in my local community, across our great nation and  beyond with Covid Home Care. Below is a protocol that has served my family and my clients well. There are  options for those with active symptoms and those who would like to treat preventatively. My prayer is that this  reaches many and lives are saved.  

I tested positive… 

Depending on your experience (or lack thereof) with Covid-19, you may feel scared or concerned. That is ok. Your body  may be at the starting point of the biggest fight you have ever faced, or you may simply have common cold symptoms  and move on with life. Either way, below you will find information that you may need on your journey back to health.  


….what do I do now?  

Being prepared is so important. The supplies that I keep on hand for my family are listed below.    

Mucinex Expectorant (enough for 10 days)  

Oximeter (To check your oxygen levels) 

Aspirin (To keep your blood thin and help prevent blood clots) 

NAC (Extremely supportive during covid and also used to protect the unvaccinated from “shedding” from the vaccinated  population.) 

Zinc (Prevents viral entry and suppresses virus replication. Supports the host cell’s anti-viral abilities.) Melatonin (Can aid in treatments due to its antioxidant & anti-inflammatory properties. Research indicates a reduction  in study precipitants getting covid by 28%) 

Bee Complete (Bee pollen, royal jelly and bee propolis. Antiviral, antibacterial, immune supportive, so many health  benefits in these capsules.)  

Quercetin (recent study shows Quercetin reduces the viral persistence by 76% in the first week and reduces the need  for hospital care and oxygen significantly. 

Olive Leaf Extract (Known as a natural antibiotic, antiviral, and immune booster. ) 

Ginger Tea (Helps break down mucus and has many other health properties.) 

Epsom Salt (Helps draw out toxins, helps with body aches) 

Vinegar (Add to bath to draw out toxins) 

Vitamin D3 & C (Anti-inflammatory, immune boosting, too many health properties to list.) 

CBD oil (Anti-inflammatory, natural sleep support, anti-anxiety, aids the endocannabinoid system that produces  cannabinoids to regulate all body systems. This system requires more cannabinoids during times of sickness. CBD can  support the extra need during covid.  

Unkers Chest Rub (Helps open airways) 

Essential oils of Lavender, Lemongrass, Peppermint, Eucalyptus,  Tea Tree, and Balsam Fir. (Keeps the airways open and helps ward  off infection.) 

Body Armor/ Coconut water (or other naturally sweetened Electrolyte drink)  

Moringa Extract (Gel caps or liquid is best. Contains protein, amino acids and lost of nutrients. Great for getting your  energy back after covid.  

Fresh Fruits and Vegetables 

How can I help my body naturally?  

Zinc – 100mg daily. If nausea or diarrhea occurs, reduce to 75mg. (Not recommended  long term at this dosage)

Melatonin – 10 mg. at night. (This higher dose is  recommended by the FLCCC due to covid)

Quercetin 500 mg twice a day. 

NAC – Follow directions on the bottle.  

Olive Leaf Extract 500mg to 1000mg a day with food.  

Ginger Tea: 1 cup, 3 times a day (Can be used in conjunction with “Throat Coat Tea”)  Vitamin D3: 4,000mg per day  

Vitamin C: 500 - 1000 mg daily (Drink plenty with this supplement!!) 

CBD oil: up to 50 mg daily, split into 3-5 doses.  

Bee Complete: 3 caps 2-4 times a day.  

Body Armor/ Coconut water (or other naturally sweetened Electrolyte  


Moringa Extract (Gel caps or liquid is best) 500-1000 mg daily.  

Unkers Chest rub applied to the chest and bottoms of the feet in the morning and evening.  Fresh Fruits and Vegetables  

Good, fresh water: at least 3 quarts per day, ESPECIALLY if you have any congestion.  Weather permitting, step outside for some fresh air  and sunshine. Try not to stress. This will only tax  your immune system. Stay connected to friends  and family by phone/text. Listen to relaxing music  or read.  

Nasal steam sessions: 1 cup of almost boiling water, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop lavender, 1  drop peppermint, 1 drop tea tree. Close your eyes and hold your head over the cup and inhale  through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

Bath Soak: 2 to 4 cups Epsom salt, 2 to 4  cups apple cider vinegar, 3 drops lavender, 3 drops Lemongrass, 3 drops peppermint. Add  essential oils to Epsom salt and mix well, add salt mixture and vinegar to bath water and soak  for at least 30 min. as needed.  

Nebulizer Treatments: Nebulizers are an inexpensive way to support the sinuses and lungs. I  personally recommend 3 to 8 minutes sessions of peroxide (3%) 2 times a day. It can be  diluted 50/50 with distilled water. Nebulizers are shipped fast from  

How else can I manage my symptoms?  

Mucinex Expectorant: If you have ANY tightness in your chest or feeling that you need to  cough at all, Mucinex expectorant works well. Never use a suppressant when dealing with  covid. Not even if it is mixed with an expectorant. It can set you up for covid pneumonia. 

Aspirin: (to prevent blood clots) 325mg per day unless contraindicated. Wean off of this  dosage SLOWLY after you are feeling better.  



Continue to take supplements for at least 3 weeks (reducing zinc to 9mg after the first 10  days). Often symptoms will subside around day 5 to 8 and then a second wave of symptoms  will hit. Be aware and keep supporting your body during this process. Around day 8, a number  of people have experienced symptoms of depression. If you experience this, I highly  recommend having someone pray over you.  

If at any time your oxygen dips below 96, contact your doctor.  

Eucalyptus can be added to a wash cloth and placed on the shower floor away from your feet  to act as an expectorant and help you clear your lungs if that is one of your symptoms.  

Do not sit or lay in bed for long periods of time. Get up and move around. This can help avoid  blood clots and keep your lungs clear. If you have a red, tender swollen area on legs, or groin,  consult a medical professional immediately. You may have a blood clot.  Drink, drink, drink! It helps thin the mucus and helps your body heal.  

Other herbs of interest: Astragalus, Elderberry (if no fever is present), Colloidal silver,  Turmeric, Garlic, Mullein tea, Muscadine Grape Seed and Skin Extract, Boswellia, Milk Thistle. 


With long standing safety data and billions of doses administered, it seems to be the best and the fastest way  to deal with this illness.  

Some people take the livestock version of Ivermectin. This is your choice, but if you decide to go this route, I  would like to warn you to do much research  on dosage before administering. Also, make  SURE that it is ONLY ivermectin and does not  contain multiple drugs for other ailments. I do  not recommend this route unless it is an  emergency situation and you are waiting for a  prescription from a doctor. My experience is  that the ivermectin intended for livestock is  not as reliable as the kind intended for  humans. Dosage is prescribed by the  individual’s weight and dosage amount is  extremely important. It seems that for this  reason, the livestock ivermectin is unreliable.  The additional ingredients in the livestock  ivermectin may also play a part. One of my  recent patients were taking the livestock  ivermectin and did not get relief from serious  covid symptoms until switching to the type  intended for humans. Ivermectin can be used  for those who have symptoms of covid. It can also be used preventatively and for those who are still  experiencing loss of taste and smell or other long-lasting issues due to previously having covid. Ivermectin acts  as an antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory and antiviral. It is used for many diseases. There are very interesting  studies that have been published recently in the Lancet (medical journal) on Ivermectin and its ability to  inhibit the Corona Virus. 

UPDATE: As of 8/25/21 the FLCCC has updated the dosage guidelines to increase the dosage  from 0.2mg per kg. to 0.4mg per kg. for the current (Delta) variant of Covid-19. If you live in an  area that is being hit hard with covid, please mention this to the Doctor when asking for a prescription. If you have taken Ivermectin for 2 days and do not see improvement, talk to  your prescribing Doctor about taking a higher dose.  

Who can help me get the meds I need?  

I highly recommend the protocol released by the FLCCC. I have seen this do wonders for clients that very likely would  have ended up in the hospital or worse. Generally, the client is improving within 12 to 24 hrs. Ivermectin prescriptions  can be obtained by Doctors through Push Health. My personal experience with Dr. Frank Lee at Push Health has  been wonderful and I would highly recommend him. You can reach him directly through  THIS LINK.   If you would like to further educate yourself on the safety and effectiveness of Ivermectin, go to:  

-Easy directions to get Ivermectin with a discount 

Choosing your Pharmacy  

STEP 1: Go to and enter “Ivermectin” into the search bar.  

STEP 2: Enter your zip code to find Pharmacies near your area.  

STEP 3: Choose the Pharmacy with the most reasonable price (Walgreens or CVS)  

STEP 4: Click on the coupon and screenshot or send it to your cell phone by text.  

STEP 5: Copy the name and the address of the pharmacy to give to the Doctor later.  

STEP 6: Take a copy or screenshot of the coupon to your pharmacy when you pick up your prescription.  Note: If your pharmacy does not have ivermectin in stock, you can later transfer your script to another pharmacy.  Recently a patient had difficulty getting her script because of a possible waiting list for the medicine. Your pharmacy can  help you transfer if needed. Independent pharmacies usually do not accept the Good RX card and you will possibly pay  around $140.00 vs. $40.00. You must use the coupon to get the discount.  

Note: If your pharmacy does not have ivermectin in stock, you can call and transfer your prescription to another  pharmacy. If your pharmacy does not have record after your provider has sent the script, log in to your push health  account and click on the “my chart” button. You will see a button that says “ resend fax”.  

Honeybee Pharmacy on the Push Health site will fill scripts, but they are a bit pricey. 

You can also find compounding pharmacies that will fill your prescription. For a list of pharmacies, go to:  

Getting your Prescription 

Option one: 


 STEP 2: Fill out the form and register.  

STEP 3: Enter the address for the preferred pharmacy.  

STEP 4: Request Ivermectin, 3mg. Enter 50 in the quantity box. The doctor will decide what you need by your weight. 

STEP 5: Make sure the doctor knows whether you are requesting ivermectin to use as a preventive, or if you have active  symptoms of covid or a positive covid test.  

Some people are having issues getting prescriptions filled. If your area pharmacies are out of stock or refuse to fill, you  can go to option two. 

Option two:  

For more info on vaccine mandates, truth about covid, and doctors who are fighting for your health and legal rights, go  to: 

This information is for educational purposes. If you have any questions, speak to your healthcare provider. 

Updated 9/7/21 

Guest post ends here.

For your convenience, I have put together a “Readiness Pak" containing almost all the supplements in the protocol above. To order, use the link below. (You'll have to create an account to see the list, and to order.)

Here is a convenient link to purchase most of the supplements that are currently recommended for Covid. If you choose to order from this list, they will ship direct to you. I do receive a commission.