Book an Appointment

 Health and healthcare.... Wow.

Ever get confused? Ever wish you had a Christian healthcare professional to walk with you, help you ask the right questions, sort through the endless options, find the path?

Now you can. Gesundheit Ministry specializes in providing professional health consultant services, walking people through the many options, recommendations, and conflicting advice to make wise healthcare decisions.

I'm a nurse, not a doctor. I don't diagnose or prescribe. I'm trained to look at symptoms and human problems more than disease/diagnosis. I will help you understand the options, but I won't tell you what to do. I may give some recommendations, suggest referrals or products, help you educate yourself about what's going on in your body and mind, pray with you, etc, and ultimately the decisions will be your own, as they should be.

If this sounds like something you'd like to explore, send me a message. The best way to reach me is to send an email to gesundheit.janelle@gmail(dot)com, or head over to the “Contact” button on the upper right and submit your message there.

PS: Standard pricing is $90 for initial consult and $60/hour for follow-up, and the standard consult time is 60 minutes. This does include additional research time, and the cost of that research is included in the price for the consult. Additional client expectations will be communicated during the booking process. There is no guarantee of positive results, and all decisions and outcomes remain your responsibility.